High Employability Education By Plymouth University

MALAYSIAN graduate unemployment has nearly doubled between 2010 and 2018, signalling that they now are not only competing among peers, but also those from previous years.

Clearly a university degree is not the sole ticket to a secured, well-paying job. Employers today prefer graduates with working experience, which can come through industrial training or internships.

Keeping track of market trends, Peninsula College Malaysia decided to team up with UK’s University of Plymouth (UoP) to provide degrees that are taught by practising experts and course designs that emphasise hands-on experiences.

High school leavers can now opt to study at Peninsula College’s The Ship Campus at Batu Kawan, Penang, be it foundation courses, diplomas or degrees.

Depending on one’s financial appetite, students can also choose to complete their degree locally, in the UK or sign up for the twinning programme, to get the best of both worlds. Scholarships and financial aid are also up for grabs to help deserving students through their tertiary studies.

Founded in 1862 as a School of Navigation, and among the highest-ranked modern higher education institutions in the world, the UoP has a proud heritage.

It has been short-listed by TIMES Higher Education for its “University of the Year 2022” award and stands at the 401-500 rank in the 2023 World University Ranking.

It also won the Queen’s Anniversary Prize three times for its excellence in marine and maritime research, teaching and training.

Owing to its steadfast belief in producing useful graduates, UoP is all about imparting knowledge via experiential learning, be it in the fields, research labs or internships.

According to its Faculty of Science and Engineering executive dean Prof Kevin Jones, even the teaching staff members are active researchers in the field.

“Having researchers as teachers makes sure that whatever is taught in the classroom is up -to-date. Even the first-year lecturers are involved in international research projects.”

Besides that, UoP courses are also frequently improved by its Industry Advisory Panel to ensure its content matches the industry’s skills requirements.

UoP’s course structure is also designed to provide students the flexibility to explore and pivot should they find a more suitable field of study.

Prof Kevin Jones (left) during a visit to The Ship Campus where he met up with Prof Dr Ian Pashby.

“Take my faculty for example, first-year core subjects are similar be it for software programming or cybersecurity specialisation.

“Students can easily change their major as they have built a strong foundation.”

Balancing excellence and happiness

At UoP, students are encouraged to enjoy a wholesome campus life by joining any of its 100 over clubs and societies ranging from sports and hobby groups.

After all, the university is located at one of Britain’s favourite holiday destinations, with beautiful outdoors and fun things to do.

To support student activities, there are no classes every Wednesday afternoon to free up everyone’s schedule.

“Only three hours away by train from London, Plymouth is the best little city by the sea,” said Prof Jones.

“It’s safe, friendly and the university has a great international community to give students global exposure.”

Parents can rest assured that their children are well taken care of, as each student is assigned a tutor to help them navigate university, be it studies related or personal issues.

He also pointed out that the Plymouth Science Park founded by the university is a start-up incubator for over 100 companies, helping to mentor students in their entrepreneurial journey.

“Students and graduates get access to facilities, networking events, pitching sessions and business mentorship to help give their brilliant ideas commercial value.”

Peninsula Higher Education president Prof Dr Ian Pashby added that Peninsula College and UoP shares similar philosophy in education and is therefore excited to offer Malaysians and Asean students a chance to pursue a prestigious UK degree nearer to home.

“At Peninsula College in Penang, we offer courses that are highly in demand in the industry such as logistics, business studies, accountancy and computer science.

“Students can also tap into our internships and job placement opportunities even before they graduate.”

Go to peninsulacollege.edu.my for more information or drop by The Ship Campus for a tour.


PKT Logistics Group group chief executive and managing director Datuk Seri Dr Michael Tio, who also founded Peninsula College Malaysia received an Honorary Doctorate of Business by University of Plymouth for this contribution to society.

After studying and building his entrepreneurial skills in England, Tio returned to take over the family business in 1996. He firmly believes that Malaysia could become the logistics hub of Asean.

To help achieve this vision, he has invested in building sustainable logistics hubs and skills training in the country, in addition to fostering close ties between the industry, government and communities through various corporate social responsibility programmes.

Owing to his trailblazing entrepreneurship and active participation in industry-academia collaboration, he serves as adjunct professors at a number of local and international universities.

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About Peninsula

Peninsula College Malaysia is widely regarded as the first education institution within a corporate organisation. We offer certificate, foundation, diploma, degree and postgraduate programmes.

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Professor Dr Ian Pashby

Advisor & Non-Executive Director
Peninsula Higher Education Group

Professor Ian Robert Pashby graduated from the University of Sheffield (UK) with a bachelor’s degree in Metallurgy and then worked in research and development for Rolls-Royce (aero engines). He joined the Warwick Manufacturing Group at the University of Warwick (UK) as a lecturer, was awarded his PhD for research in the processing of materials and subsequently promoted to Senior Lecturer.

In 2000, he became Professor of Manufacturing Processes at the University of Nottingham (UK).

Professor Pashby moved to the University of Nottingham’s Malaysia Campus in 2007 to become Deputy Head. became Pro-Vice Chancellor and then CEO of the campus in 2008. Returning to the UK in 2013, he became Pro-Vice Chancellor at the University of Hull (UK). He moved back to Malaysia in 2017 to lead the Peninsula Higher Education Group as its Group President and in 2024 became the Advisor.