

培能學院畢業生受日本企業青睞 獲赴日就業機會參與 Daisei Every24 管理培訓生計劃

(莎亞南 7 日訊)培能學院(Peninsula College)的兩名畢業生因學業和工作表現優 異,獲得日本著名冷鏈運輸物流公司 Daise Every24 的青睞,中選赴日參與管理培訓生計劃。在同儕中脫穎而出的兩位分別是李芯葶和馬莉莎,她們將前往該公司在名古屋市的分行進行兩年的培訓。 李芯葶(26 歲)主修物流管理系,馬莉莎(24 歲)則主修商業管理。她們早前培能學院畢業後無奈遇到疫情來襲無法赴日,但她們仍在學院的母公司——PKT 物流集團上班,同時報讀 Daisei Every24 贊助的 6 個月的日語密集課程。 為了提高畢業生在市場上的競爭力,培能學院和 PKT 集團多年來都極力推崇「邊求學、邊工作「 (Jom! Berkerja Sambil Belajar)或簡稱 JBSB 計劃,確保兼顧理論和實踐。李芯葶和馬莉莎在求學期間透過 JBSB 摸索並證明自己的辦事能力,兼職的時候也有機會接觸母公司的各大客戶,Daisei Every24 就是其中之一。PKT 與 Daisei Every24 自 2016 年合作投入食品飲料業物流配送領域組成 PKT Every24,負責為連鎖便利店 Family Mart…

Continuous Learning to Drive Progress

IT will take more than innate geographical advantage for Malaysia to become Asean’s next logistics hub, as the key lies in facilitating a robust logistics ecosystem supported by a collective effort from its industry players. In line with the nation’s…

Peninsula College 20th Graduation Ceremony

With unfeigned pride and joy, we wish to extend heartiest congratulations to all Peninsula College (previously known as ALC College) graduates. Remember, this celebration marks the beginning of your journey ahead. Go confidently in the direction of your dreams and…

Welcome to the Peninsula College Family!!

Peninsula College Georgetown welcomes our September 2020 intakes! An induction week was held on 7th September to welcome and explain the do’s and don’ts of the college to our new students. Over the span of five days, students were briefed…

Bowling Tournament 2019

Hey, girls & boys! The most happening tournament is just around the corner…!! Get your skills all geared up! We shall see who conquers the trophy this time around…

Making charity their business, too (SAMH)

GIVING to charitable institutions help make our community a better place to live. Even helping a small charitable institution in these challenging times is an impactful act of kindness. Students of Peninsula College who took up the 12 weeks’ business…

Professor Dr Ian Pashby

Advisor & Non-Executive Director
Peninsula Higher Education Group

Professor Ian Robert Pashby graduated from the University of Sheffield (UK) with a bachelor’s degree in Metallurgy and then worked in research and development for Rolls-Royce (aero engines). He joined the Warwick Manufacturing Group at the University of Warwick (UK) as a lecturer, was awarded his PhD for research in the processing of materials and subsequently promoted to Senior Lecturer.

In 2000, he became Professor of Manufacturing Processes at the University of Nottingham (UK).

Professor Pashby moved to the University of Nottingham’s Malaysia Campus in 2007 to become Deputy Head. became Pro-Vice Chancellor and then CEO of the campus in 2008. Returning to the UK in 2013, he became Pro-Vice Chancellor at the University of Hull (UK). He moved back to Malaysia in 2017 to lead the Peninsula Higher Education Group as its Group President and in 2024 became the Advisor.