Foundation in Arts – Preparing You for Life in a Post-Pandemic World

It is a well-known fact that almost half of secondary school leavers don’t have a clear picture of what they want to do after graduation, yet this topic is rarely discussed openly because of many reasons, but mainly because:

• Students are afraid of disappointing their parents who’ve most likely funded their entire education

• It’s potentially embarrassing to reveal to their family and friends

• Pressures of societal norms i.e. you must go to a good college or university in order to get a good job, get married, buy a house etc.

In the 21st century however, the market landscape has evolved dramatically, primarily due to the rapid development of digital technology, affordable electronics and ready access to online information. More and more graduates are starting to branch out from the traditional form of thinking of wanting to be an employee or self-employed, to being an entrepreneur and investor. There are many rousing stories of successful business owners and investors who left school early but yet made it big: Bill Gates, Jack Ma, Mark Zuckerberg, Richard Branson, Steve Jobs…just to name a few.

Whilst it is often thrilling and even admirable and to pursue one’s own dreams and passions away from the status quo, a solid foundation of basic education is still required. As the old saying goes, you cannot build a house on sand. With this in mind, Peninsula College Northern at The Ship Campus is proud to offer our Foundation in Arts course absolutely FREE for our September’21 intake, that’s a total savings of RM13,000! We recognise that a lot of students have been hard hit by the pandemic, so we’ve put together this limited time special offer in order to help you find your footing. What makes our arts programme different from other institutions it that we have built ours around the campus-in-industry model, which means we work with local industry partners to provide a learning module that is based on real-world scenarios and vocational training, and not theories and concepts that are irrelevant to today’s fast-evolving business environment. Our lecturers are carefully selected and honed from their respective industries which qualifies them to be subject matter experts to equip you with the requisite knowledge and skills in communication, critical thinking and academic literacy.

Don’t miss out on this golden opportunity, get in touch with us today to secure your FREE Foundation in Arts course and start your journey with The Ship Campus and sail to distant and exciting horizons.

Call +6010-466 0296 for more details.

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Peninsula College Malaysia is widely regarded as the first education institution within a corporate organisation. We offer certificate, foundation, diploma, degree and postgraduate programmes.

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Professor Dr Ian Pashby

Advisor & Non-Executive Director
Peninsula Higher Education Group

Professor Ian Robert Pashby graduated from the University of Sheffield (UK) with a bachelor’s degree in Metallurgy and then worked in research and development for Rolls-Royce (aero engines). He joined the Warwick Manufacturing Group at the University of Warwick (UK) as a lecturer, was awarded his PhD for research in the processing of materials and subsequently promoted to Senior Lecturer.

In 2000, he became Professor of Manufacturing Processes at the University of Nottingham (UK).

Professor Pashby moved to the University of Nottingham’s Malaysia Campus in 2007 to become Deputy Head. became Pro-Vice Chancellor and then CEO of the campus in 2008. Returning to the UK in 2013, he became Pro-Vice Chancellor at the University of Hull (UK). He moved back to Malaysia in 2017 to lead the Peninsula Higher Education Group as its Group President and in 2024 became the Advisor.